Dra. Nadia Rocha Méndez Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery


Diseases and Disorders

Abscess of amígdalasAbsceso periamigdalinoActinomicosisHipertrofia adenoids (enlarged adenoids) Hypertrophy tonsil (Enlarged tonsils) Allergies nasalesAmigdalitisAngiofibroma juvenilAnosmia Apnea sleep type obstructivoAtresia coanalBarotrauma of the oídoCacosmiaCáncer head and cuelloCáncer of gargantaCáncer string vocalesCáncer laríngeoCandidiasis oral (Milkweed) Cerumen (wax Ear) Cholesteatoma Damage to laryngeal nerves Impaired hearing in infants Difficulty breathing Spasmodic dysphonia Eustachian tube dysfunction Pressure-related ear pain Meniere's disease Epiglottitis Ear popping Ethmoiditis Bacterial pharyngitis (ear glanditis) Pharyngalgia Pharyngitis (ear) Pharyngitis Allocalitis Pharyngitis ) Endolymphatic dropsy Turbinate hypertrophy Hearing loss in infants Occupational hearing loss Age-related hearing loss Ear impaction Inf Acute ear ectionAcute middle ear infectionAcute external ear infectionChronic sinus infectionChronic ear infectionAcute and chronic sinusitis Labyrinthitis DizzinessMastoiditisBulbous nose Vestibular neuritis Vestibular neuronitis Swimmer's ear Otitis externa Adhesive otitis mediaAcute otitis mediaAcute vocalised paralysis Otitis media with effusion of the facial nerve hearing loss related to edadPérdida hearing because of the trabajoPerforación membrane timpánicaPericondritis polyps auricularesPólipos nasalesPresbiacusiaQuiste or benign tumor of oídoQuistes gingiva of the neonatoRánulaRinitis alérgicaRinitis idiopáticaRinitis not alérgicaRinitis vasomotoraRonquidoRuptura of the tímpanoSchwannoma vestibularSialoadenitisSordera part in babies SupraglotitisTabique desviadoTapón earwax Eardrum perforadoTinnitusTos crónicaTraqueítisTraqueomalacia adquiridaTrastornos associated with vertigo disorder Voice s Salivary gland disorders Speech disorders Acoustic trauma Nasal tumor Salivary gland tumors Benign positional vertigo

Diagnostic Procedures

Verbal or liminal tonal audiometry Detection of infant deafness Vocal cord evaluation Nasoendoscopy of cavum and larynx Tympanogram
Surgical procedures

AdenoidectomiaAmigdalectomíaBiopsia ganglionic simpleBiopsia laryngoscopic nasopharyngeal or laringeBiopsia nasal, auricular and faríngeaCauterización septum or corneteCierre of traqueotomíaCirugía of cornetesCirugía polyp nasalesCirugía of the Mucocele frontalCirugía endoscopic polyp nasalesCirugía endoscopic sinus unilateralCirugía fistula and cyst the tiroglosoExtirpación through the sublingualExtirpación gland submaxilarExtirpación gland of laryngeal papilloma Extraction of a foreign body from the ear, nose or throat Simple fracture of the bones of the nose. Surgical treatmentLongual or labial frenectomyMastoidectomySimple myringotomyMyringotomy and placement of drainage tubesRanula resectionRepair of septum fracture

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